Loussier goes to great lengths to stop that from occurring. First, he simplifies the overall picture by dropping Mozart's wind parts. Then he breaks up Mozart's flow of music into sections, treating each in a characteristic way. Mozart's opening themes are presented more or less straight, with a few syncopations and light jazz percussion added. It is in transitional material or material leading toward a transition (such as second themes and their subsidiary themes), that he sets his trio (piano, bass, and drums) loose with jazz improvisations upon Mozart's melodies and harmonic progressions. The jazz element thus partially stands in for developmental passages in which Mozart increases the tension by revving up the harmonic rhythm. This doesn't get from point A to point B as smoothly as Mozart does, but it's inventive, and Loussier's unfoldings of his ideas are interesting to follow. In rhythmically intense passages such as the opening of the last movement of the Piano Concerto No. 20 -- and only in these -- he turns the drummer loose. The opening themes to these (jazz-loving) ears just sounded bizarre, and sometimes one gets the feeling that the various elements of the music are competing with each other rather than working together. Yet Loussier did not approach his task with anything less than a full appreciation of the complexity of the job, and if he has not delivered a recording that is exactly attractive, he has shown us something of how difficult musical fusion really is when it has aims above the superficial. Any jazz musician who has wrestled with similar questions will find much to chew on here. by James Manheim
Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466
1 Allegro 13:39
2 Romance 9:29
3 Rondo presto 9:18
Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, K. 488
4 Allegro 12:26
5 Adagio 5:58
6 Allegro assai 8:27
Acoustic Bass – Benoît Dunoyer de Segonzac
Composed By – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Drums – André Arpino
Piano – Jacques Loussier
with Strig Orchestra:
Jean Claude Auclin - Cello
David Braccini - Violin
Vincent Debruyne - Viola
David Naulin - Violin
Paul Rouger - Violin
Jacques Saint-Yves - Violin
Richard Schmoucler - Violin
Renaud Stahl - Viola
Mathilde Sternat - Cello
Mathias Tranchant - Violin