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Mostrando postagens com marcador Paul O'Dette. Mostrar todas as postagens


JAkOB LINDBERG • PAUL O'DETTE - English Lute Duets (1986) APE (image+.cue), lossless

1    Drewries Accordes 1:32
2    A Mery Moode 1:41
3    The Spanish Pavan 4:00
4    Lord Willoughbies His Galliard 1:20
5    My Lord Chamberlaine His Galliard 1:41
6    Complaint 1:17
7    Passingmeasures Galliard 4:00
8    Sellengers Rounde 1:41
9    The Flatt Pavion 2:06
10    The Galyard To The Flatt Pavion 1:26
11    A Dump 1:55
12    A Fantasy 2:13
13    Twenty Waies Upon The Bells 1:09
14    A Toy 1:20
15    The Queenes Goodnight 1:38
16    Greensleeves 4:53
17    Lavecheo Pavin 2:11
18    Lavecheo Galliard 1:22
19    A Fancy 2 2:14
20    The New Hunt Is Up 3:37
21    La Rossignoll 3:08

Lute – Jakob Lindberg, Paul O'Dette


JOHN DOWLAND - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 1 (Paul O'Dette) (1996) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

 JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

1    [A Piece Without Title]    2:32
2    Pavana 6:52
Composed By – Johann Daniel Mylius
3    Mr Knights Galliard    1:38
4    My Lord Willobies Wellcome Home    1:15
5    The Frogg Galliard    3:28
6    [A Fancy]    2:18
7    My Ladie Riches Galyerd    1:36
8    The Lady Laitons Almone    1:19
9    A Dream [Lady Leighton's Paven]    5:06
10    Galliard    1:35
11    Orlando Sleepeth    1:24
12    [What If A Day]    1:28
13    Mrs Winters Jumpp    0:48
14    Galliard    1:41
15    M. Giles Hobies Galiard    1:44
16    Dr Cases Pauen    4:53
17    Mellancoly Galliard    2:20
18    [Galliard]    1:47
19    Mistris Whittes Thinge    0:58
20    Go From My Windowe    3:33
21    [Almain]    1:11
22    Mrs Whites Nothing    0:57
23    [Pavan]    5:23
24    [Galliard]    1:47
25    Farwell    5:38

Lute – Paul O'Dette

JOHN DOWLAND - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 2 (Paul O'Dette) (1996) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

1    My Lady Hunnsdons Puffe    1:23
2    Solus Cum Sola    4:25
3    Suzanna Galliard    1:47
4    Sir John Smith His Almain    2:26
5    Sweet Robyne    3:51
6    Dowlands First Galliard    1:39
7    Mayster Pypers Pavyn    5:08
8    Captain Digorie Piper His Galliard    2:17
9    Mounsieur's Almaine    5:21
10    As I Went To Walsingham    1:43
11    Mrs Brigide Fleetwoods Paven Alias Solus Sine Sola 5:32
12    Dowlands Galliard    1:21
13    Farwell (An "In Nomine")    3:30
14    Aloe    2:37
15    Capitain Candishe His Galyard    1:02
16    Can She Excuse    1:33
17    Mrs Vaux Galiarde    2:20
18    A Coye Joye    0:55
19    Mrs Vauxes Gigge    1:03
20    Sir Henry Guilforde His Almaine    1:52
21    Mignarda    3:23
22    Lachrimae    5:18
23    Sir John Souch His Galliard    1:34
24    Fantasia    3:49

Lute [Orpharion], Lute – Paul O'Dette

JOHN DOWLAND - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 3 (Paul O'Dette) (1996) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

1    The Most High And Mightie Christianus 2:49
2    Sir John Langton His Pavin 5:58
3    Mr. Langtons Galliard 2:35
4    A Fancy    4:17
5    A Pavan    5:21
6    The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard    1:06
7    Mrs Cliftons Allmaine    1:12
8    The Right Honourable The Lady Cliftons Spirit    1:38
9    Tarletones Riserrectione 3:22
10    Tarletons Willy    1:29
11    Fortune My Foe    2:22
12    The Queenes Galliard    1:31
13    Wallsingham    4:48
14    A Galliard (On Walsingham) 1:49
15    Dowlands Adew For Master Oliver Cromwell 5:26
16    The Right Honourable Ferdinando Earle Of Darby 2:29
17    Lord Strangs March 1:35
18    Mistresse Nichols Almand 1:23
19    Forlone Hope Fancye 3:48
20    Mr. Dowlands Midnight 1:43
21    Semper Dowland Semper Dolens 7:23

Lute – Paul O'Dette

JOHN DOWLAND - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 4 (Paul O'Dette) (1997) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

1     Preludium, for lute, P 98 1:17
2    Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 6 2:53
3    Lachrimae, for lute, P 15 5:23
4     Galliard to Lachrimae, for lute, P 46 (A Pilgrimes Solace) 2:30
5     Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 71 (possibly spurious) 5:41
6     Almain, for lute, P 96 1:27
7     Pavana (Pavana Johan Douland), for lute in C minor, P 94 7:12
8     Can she excuse, galliard for lute, P 42 1:45     
9     Galliard, for lute in C minor, P 28 3:16
10     My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, for lute, P 66 1:23
11     The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy, for lute, P 58 1:08
12     The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Lisle, for lute, P 38  2:51     
13    Coranto, for lute, P 100 2:03
14     Galliard, for lute in F minor, P 82 (possibly spurious) 1:54
15     The Lady Russell's Pavan, for lute, P 17 5:03
16     Galliard, for lute (arr. of P24 by Fr. Cutting), P 92 1:47
17     The Frog Galliard, for lute, P 23 2:04
18     Come away, song arranged for lute, P 60 1:49
19     La mia Barbara, pavan for lute, P 95 5:57
20     Loth to depart, song arranged for lute, P 69 6:20

Lute – Paul O'Dette

JOHN DOWLAND - Complete Lute Works, Vol. 5 (Paul O'Dette) (1997) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

 JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

1    [A Fancy] (P 73)    3:20
2    Pavana Dowlandi Angli    5:20
3    Doulands rounde battell galyarde (P 39)    1:32
4    Pavin (Paul O'Dette, Laute - 1996)    5:32
5    The Erle of Darbies Galiard (P 44)    2:29
6    Mistris Norrishis Delight (P 77)    1:43
7    [A Jig] (P 78)    2:17
8    The Earl of Essex Galliard [II] (P 89)    1:35
9    Galliard (P 76)    1:38
10    Une Jeune Fillette (P 93)    5:18
11    Gagliarda (P 103)    1:50
12    Pavana Lachrimae    6:02
13    Squires Galliard    1:48
14    [A Fancy] (P 72)    5:50
15    Hasellwoods Galliard (P 84)    1:35
16    Sir Thomas Monson, his Pavin    6:04
17    Sir Thomas Monson, his Galliard    2:08
18    Almande    2:24
19    Sir Henry Umptons Funerall    5:49
20    Captayne Pipers Galliard (P 88)    2:50
21    A fantasie (P 1)    4:24

Lute – Paul O'Dette


DOWLAND : Lachrimae or Seven Teares (The Parley of Instruments) (1993) FLAC (image+.cue), lossless

Listeners who can get through the first seven tracks of this disc without breaking down in tears will be relieved to know that the remaining 17 tracks are for the most part more cheerful. The first seven tracks are devoted to Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares, by John Dowland, one of the saddest pieces by one of the saddest composers of all time, while the other tracks, all except one of which were written by the English Renaissance composer, are generally lighter, with a few conspicuous exceptions. The performances are all first-class, if perhaps a little lean. The Lachrimae sound, to paraphrase John Donne, like the quintessence of absence, darkness, death, and things which are not. With dark, hooded tone (using A=440Hz); intonation that is tight to the point of strain; and extraordinarily intense interpretations, the Parley of Instruments directed by Peter Holman delivers accounts that make for difficult but rewarding listening. The rest of the music here -- galliards and almands with a pavan tossed in -- is brighter and bouncier, except for Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall and what is probably Dowland's darkest piece, Semper Dowland, semper dolens (Always Dowland, always doleful). Recorded in detailed but slightly distant sound, this disc should do the trick for melancholic listeners. by James Leonard  

JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)

of Seven Tears (1604)

Ensemble – The Parley Of Instruments Renaissance Violin Consort
Lute – Paul O'Dette
Viola – Lisa Cochrane, Paul Denley
Violin [Bass Violin] – Mark Caudle
Violin, Executive-Producer – Judy Tarling
Violin, Viola – Theresa Caudle

Directed By – Peter Holman


PAUL O'DETTE - Alla Venetiana: Early Sixteenth Century Venetian Lute Music

Five hundred years ago, a humble lute student by the name of Vidal recorded his master's compositions in a hand-drawn tablature book. Well aware of the ill-fate befalling musical masterpieces with the passage of time and generations, he decided to embellish the book's pages with fantastic hand-painted scenes - "so that even the unlearned man, seduced by its visual beauty, may preserve it and pass it on intact."

It is thanks to Vidal's foresight that today this precious manuscript survives, along with the sublime music it contains.

Paul O'Dette chose three composers to represent early Northern Italian lute output: along with Vidal's master (Vincenzo Capirola, dated around 1517), there is the music from the two earliest surviving printed lute tablature books - Francesco Spinacino and Joanambrosio Dalza (1508).

This early lute music is extremely diverse and fascinating, and O'Dette does it full justice in both piece-selection and interpretation. Dalza is best known for his bold dances, which show a strong influence of when the lute was played with a plectrum rather than picked with the fingers. Spinacino stands out for his fiery ricercari, with alternating fast single-note runs and brief counterpointal meditations. But it is Capirola and his vast tapestry of colors that gets the lion's share in this CD (dances, ricercari, vocal pieces set for lute).

Words cannot describe how expressive and varied this music is. Listen to tracks 4 (Ricercare primo), 7 (Padoana bellissima) and 8 (Spagna seconda) to get a sense of the confidence and the maturity that this style had achieved by the early 16th Century.
The lute was rigtfully considered the most versatile musical medium, second only to the human voice - and O'Dette's performance of this incredible music makes you understand why.
Even among O'Dette's excellent CD lineup, this selection stands out as an extraordinary achievement. by Tom Leoni

PAUL O'DETTE - Alla Venetiana: 
Early Sixteenth Century Venetian Lute Music
O Púbis da Rosa

BENNIE GREEN — Blows His Horn (1955-1989) RM | Original Jazz Classics Limited Edition Series | FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

Bennie Green, one of the few trombonists of the 1950s not to sound somewhat like a J.J. Johnson clone, always had a likable and humorous s...