Mostrando postagens com marcador David Atherton. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador David Atherton. Mostrar todas as postagens


GYÖRGY LIGETI : Clear or Cloudy (Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon) 4xCD (2006) APE (image+.cue), lossless

 Deutsche Grammophon's budget-priced, four-CD collection of all the works by György Ligeti in its catalog has many things to commend it, beginning with the title. Clear or Cloudy is a profoundly astute description of the composer's career, encompassing both the great sound clouds of his micropolyphonic work of the 1960s, such as Atmosphères, Volumina, Lux aeterna, and Lontano, and the crystalline clarity of his early years, demonstrated in Six Bagatelles for wind quintet and his first String Quartet, as well as in his Etudes pour piano and Piano Concerto from his final period.
The performances here are extraordinary, and some are legendary. In Volumina, Gerd Zacher wrings an incredible variety of sonic possibilities from the organ and shapes them into a chilling aural experience. Aventures and Nouvelles Aventures, with singers Jane Manning, Mary Thomas, and William Pearson and the Ensemble InterContemporain, led by Pierre Boulez, are especially assured, and lead the listener on a frightening, comic, cryptic emotional roller coaster ride. The radiant performances of Atmosphères and Lontano by Claudio Abbado and the Vienna Philharmonic make the most of the scores' glistening mysteries.
If this were intended as a survey of Ligeti's career, one could quibble over the omissions -- the Requiem; the Trio for horn, violin, and piano; and the fact that there are only two of the piano etudes -- but given the fact that it is a reissue of everything Deutsche Grammophon happened to have in its archive, it is a remarkably comprehensive and representative collection that offers a broad and detailed view of the composer's output. It's an ideal introduction to Ligeti for anyone coming to his remarkable work for the first time, and it is also expansive and diverse enough to interest those who are already fans. The set contains over five hours of music, and the program booklet includes an insightful essay by Paul Griffiths. Surprisingly, for a collection coming from so many recorded sources, the sound is consistently excellent, with the appropriate ambience and presence for the various works. by Stephen Eddins
 All Tracks & Credits


HINDEMITH : Music for Viola and Orchestra (Lawrence Power · BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra · David Atherton) (2010) Sreie The Complete Hindemith Viola Music – 3 | FLAC (image+.cue), lossless

Vol. 3 of Lawrence Power's survey of the complete Hindemith work for viola features a cluster of works written for viola and orchestra in the short time between 1927 and 1930. Though Hindemith did not write a traditional concerto in the classical sense, the Op. 48 Konzertmusik, Kammermusik No. 5, and Der Schwanendreher each put the viola's abilities at the forefront of the orchestra. His personal knowledge of the instrument's technical, lyrical, and emotive abilities become quickly apparent as the viola is made to scurry around as nimbly as a violin in Konzertmusik, as emotionally rich as a cello in Trauermusik, or as colorful and evocative as a piano in Der Schwanendreher. All of these many moods are captured effortlessly by Power. His playing balances the clarity needed to execute agile passagework with the richness and depth needed for more lyrical sections. What's more, Power never gives the appearance of trying to make the viola sound like a violin; instead, he celebrates the viola's idiosyncrasies and transforms them into a rich, satisfying tapestry of sound. Joined by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under David Atherton, Vol. 3 of Power's hefty undertaking is just as worthwhile and engaging as the previous two and is certainly worth checking out. Mike D. Brownell

Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)

1-5.    Konzertmusik Op 48    (19:51)
6-8.    Der Schwanendreher - Concerto After Old Folksongs, For Viola And Small Orchestra    (26:29
9.    I Langsam - II Ruhig Bewegt - III Lebhaft - IV Choral 'Vor Deinen Thron Tret Ich Hiermit'    7:46
10-13.    Kammermusik No 5 Op 36 No 4    (18:44)

Conductor – David Atherton
Illustration [Front: Broken Forms] – Franz Marc
Leader, Violin – Elizabeth Layton
Orchestra – BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Viola – Lawrence Power

RENÉE FLEMING — Distant Light (2017) FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

Nearly 58 years old when the recording was released in early 2017, Renée Fleming was obviously not content to retread familiar territory. Tr...