Tracklist & Credits :

Songs full melancholy, and songs of love's joys and pains, composed by the "Orpheus of England", John Dowland, have lost none of their inmediacy and poignancy since the Renaissance. Joel Frederiksen accompanies his deep, expressive bass voice on the lute, and is aided by an expert ensemble of viols and lutes, to shape this exquisite program of vocal and instrumental works.
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 The Lowest Trees Have Tops
2 The Woods So Wild/Can She Excuse My Wrongs
3 Deare, If You Change
4 Tarleton's Riserrectione
5 Sleep Wayward Thoughts
6 All Ye Who Love Or Fortune Hath Betrayed
7 Away With These Self Loving Lads
8 Flow My Teares
9 My Lord Chamberlain His Gallaird
10 Fine Knacks For Ladies
11 When Phoebus First
12 Say Love If Ever Thou Didst Find
13 A Fancy
14 Lady If You So Spite Me
15 In Darkness Let Me Dwell
16 If That A Sinner's Singhs
17 From Silent Night
18 Praeludium
19 The Frog Gaillard (Arr. For 3 Lutes)
20 Shall I Strive With Words To Move
21 Tell Me True Love
Bass Vocals, Lute – Joel Frederiksen
Ensemble - Ensemble Phoenix Munich
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 [A Piece Without Title] 2:32
2 Pavana 6:52
Composed By – Johann Daniel Mylius
3 Mr Knights Galliard 1:38
4 My Lord Willobies Wellcome Home 1:15
5 The Frogg Galliard 3:28
6 [A Fancy] 2:18
7 My Ladie Riches Galyerd 1:36
8 The Lady Laitons Almone 1:19
9 A Dream [Lady Leighton's Paven] 5:06
10 Galliard 1:35
11 Orlando Sleepeth 1:24
12 [What If A Day] 1:28
13 Mrs Winters Jumpp 0:48
14 Galliard 1:41
15 M. Giles Hobies Galiard 1:44
16 Dr Cases Pauen 4:53
17 Mellancoly Galliard 2:20
18 [Galliard] 1:47
19 Mistris Whittes Thinge 0:58
20 Go From My Windowe 3:33
21 [Almain] 1:11
22 Mrs Whites Nothing 0:57
23 [Pavan] 5:23
24 [Galliard] 1:47
25 Farwell 5:38
Lute – Paul O'Dette
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 My Lady Hunnsdons Puffe 1:23
2 Solus Cum Sola 4:25
3 Suzanna Galliard 1:47
4 Sir John Smith His Almain 2:26
5 Sweet Robyne 3:51
6 Dowlands First Galliard 1:39
7 Mayster Pypers Pavyn 5:08
8 Captain Digorie Piper His Galliard 2:17
9 Mounsieur's Almaine 5:21
10 As I Went To Walsingham 1:43
11 Mrs Brigide Fleetwoods Paven Alias Solus Sine Sola 5:32
12 Dowlands Galliard 1:21
13 Farwell (An "In Nomine") 3:30
14 Aloe 2:37
15 Capitain Candishe His Galyard 1:02
16 Can She Excuse 1:33
17 Mrs Vaux Galiarde 2:20
18 A Coye Joye 0:55
19 Mrs Vauxes Gigge 1:03
20 Sir Henry Guilforde His Almaine 1:52
21 Mignarda 3:23
22 Lachrimae 5:18
23 Sir John Souch His Galliard 1:34
24 Fantasia 3:49
Lute [Orpharion], Lute – Paul O'Dette
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 The Most High And Mightie Christianus 2:49
2 Sir John Langton His Pavin 5:58
3 Mr. Langtons Galliard 2:35
4 A Fancy 4:17
5 A Pavan 5:21
6 The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard 1:06
7 Mrs Cliftons Allmaine 1:12
8 The Right Honourable The Lady Cliftons Spirit 1:38
9 Tarletones Riserrectione 3:22
10 Tarletons Willy 1:29
11 Fortune My Foe 2:22
12 The Queenes Galliard 1:31
13 Wallsingham 4:48
14 A Galliard (On Walsingham) 1:49
15 Dowlands Adew For Master Oliver Cromwell 5:26
16 The Right Honourable Ferdinando Earle Of Darby 2:29
17 Lord Strangs March 1:35
18 Mistresse Nichols Almand 1:23
19 Forlone Hope Fancye 3:48
20 Mr. Dowlands Midnight 1:43
21 Semper Dowland Semper Dolens 7:23
Lute – Paul O'Dette
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 Preludium, for lute, P 98 1:17
2 Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 6 2:53
3 Lachrimae, for lute, P 15 5:23
4 Galliard to Lachrimae, for lute, P 46 (A Pilgrimes Solace) 2:30
5 Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 71 (possibly spurious) 5:41
6 Almain, for lute, P 96 1:27
7 Pavana (Pavana Johan Douland), for lute in C minor, P 94 7:12
8 Can she excuse, galliard for lute, P 42 1:45
9 Galliard, for lute in C minor, P 28 3:16
10 My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, for lute, P 66 1:23
11 The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy, for lute, P 58 1:08
12 The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Lisle, for lute, P 38 2:51
13 Coranto, for lute, P 100 2:03
14 Galliard, for lute in F minor, P 82 (possibly spurious) 1:54
15 The Lady Russell's Pavan, for lute, P 17 5:03
16 Galliard, for lute (arr. of P24 by Fr. Cutting), P 92 1:47
17 The Frog Galliard, for lute, P 23 2:04
18 Come away, song arranged for lute, P 60 1:49
19 La mia Barbara, pavan for lute, P 95 5:57
20 Loth to depart, song arranged for lute, P 69 6:20
Lute – Paul O'Dette
JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)
1 [A Fancy] (P 73) 3:20
2 Pavana Dowlandi Angli 5:20
3 Doulands rounde battell galyarde (P 39) 1:32
4 Pavin (Paul O'Dette, Laute - 1996) 5:32
5 The Erle of Darbies Galiard (P 44) 2:29
6 Mistris Norrishis Delight (P 77) 1:43
7 [A Jig] (P 78) 2:17
8 The Earl of Essex Galliard [II] (P 89) 1:35
9 Galliard (P 76) 1:38
10 Une Jeune Fillette (P 93) 5:18
11 Gagliarda (P 103) 1:50
12 Pavana Lachrimae 6:02
13 Squires Galliard 1:48
14 [A Fancy] (P 72) 5:50
15 Hasellwoods Galliard (P 84) 1:35
16 Sir Thomas Monson, his Pavin 6:04
17 Sir Thomas Monson, his Galliard 2:08
18 Almande 2:24
19 Sir Henry Umptons Funerall 5:49
20 Captayne Pipers Galliard (P 88) 2:50
21 A fantasie (P 1) 4:24
Lute – Paul O'Dette
Tracklist :
1 John Dowland– Go Crystal Tears 6:29
2 John Ward– Fantasia No.4 3:30
3 John Dowland– Now, O Now, I Needs Must Part 4:32
4 John Dowland– Go Nighthly Cares 4:02
5 John Ward– Fantasia No.3 2:55
6 John Dowland– Sorrow, Come ! 3:59
7 John Dowland– Semper Dowland Semper Dolens 3:31
8 John Dowland– The Lady Rich Her Galliard 2:03
9 Robert Johnson– Have You Seen The Bright Lily Grow ? 2:51
10 William Byrd– Though Amaryllis Dance In Green 3:43
11 John Bennet– Venus' Birds Whose Mournful Tunes 3:35
12 Robert Johnson– Full Fathom Five 2:10
13 Robert Johnson– Care-Charming Sleep 3:38
14 Patrick Mando– Like As The Day 4:03
15 John Dowland– A Fancy 3:29
16 John Dowland– Time Stands Still 4:39
17 Alfonso Ferrabosco– Four-Note Pavan 4:49
18 John Dowland– From Silent Night 4:06
19 Anominous– O Death, Rock Me Asleep 2:57
20 Richard Mico– Fantasia No.13 3:18
21 John Dowland– Come, Heavy Sleep 5:02
Countertenor Vocals – Andreas Scholl (pistas: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9-14, 16-19, 21)
Ensemble – Concerto Di Viole (pistas: 2, 5, 7, 8, 15, 20)
Lute – Julian Behr (pistas: 1, 3, 4, 6-14, 16-19, 21)
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