
FRANZ LISZT : Les Préludes (Leslie Howard) (1998) APE (image+.cue), lossless

Six of Liszt's important contributions to the literature of the pianoforte étude occupy the centre of this programme. They are flanked by two works unfamiliar in their present guise: the solo piano versions of Les Préludes and Der nächtlige Zug (the first of the Episodes from Lenau's Faust).

The Faust legend preoccupied Liszt for much of his life, Goethe's rendering of it inspiring the orchestral masterpiece, the Faust Symphony. Among the works inspired by Lenau's poem we find the Episodes here presented. Der nächtlige Zug is clearly one of his finest works and its neglect in all of its guises is inexplicable; the second of the episodes is an early version of the phenomenally successful First Mephisto Waltz. Hyperion
More Notes of Leslie Howard

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WEIRD LITTLE BOY — Weird Little Boy (1998) APE (image+.cue), lossless

 From the first ten seconds of this album, you know exactly where jazz masochist John Zorn is heading with Weird Little Boy, one of his many...