
FRANZ LISZT : Litanies de Marie (Leslie Howard) (1998) APE (image+.cue), lossless

This forty-seventh volume in the series presents the early versions of pieces from the Harmonies poétiques et religieuses. The history of this work is fully detailed in the accompanying booklet and is complex, Leslie Howard having painstakingly restored order to various manuscript sources and sketches. Extraordinarily, the 1847 set of the Harmonies turns out to be a rather more coherent work than the final, better known version. Yet is has never before been properly edited. These performances are therefore genuinely significant: none of this music has been recorded before, and it is unlikely that any will have been performed at all since Liszt's own time. Hyperion
More Notes of Leslie Howard

Um comentário:

  1. https://nitro.download/view/462169AD0DE0A94/Franz_Liszt_-_Litanies_de_Marie.rar


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